Accounting Equation Quiz and Test

certified public accountants

Edge protection will prevent wheelchairs or other mobility devices from slipping off the fishing pier or platform. In such a design, curbs or barriers are not required.


Accountants must use their judgment to record transactions that require estimation. The number of years that equipment will remain productive and the portion of accounts receivable that will never be paid are examples of items that require estimation. In reporting financial data, accountants follow the principle of conservatism, which requires that the less optimistic estimate be chosen when two estimates are judged to be equally likely.

Cost Plus Fixed Percentage Contract

Only alterations undertaken on or after March 15, 2011, shall be considered in determining if the cost of providing an accessible path of travel is disproportionate to the overall cost of the alterations. The obligation to provide an accessible path of travel may not be evaded by performing a series of small alterations to the area served by a single path of travel if those alterations could have been performed as a single undertaking. Let’s say a company purchases a new delivery truck for $100,000 . The company pays with cash and, based on its experience, estimates the truck will be in service for five years .

Where automatic teller machines or self- fare vending, collection, or adjustment machines are provided, at least one of each type provided at each location shall comply with 707. Where bins are provided for envelopes, waste paper, or other purposes, at least one of each type shall comply with 811.

§36.404 Alterations: Elevator exemption

Each curb ramp shall have a level area 48 inches long minimum by 36 inches wide minimum at the top of the curb ramp in the part of the island intersected by the crossings. Each 48 inch minimum by 36 inch minimum area shall be oriented so that the 48 inch minimum length is in the direction of the running slope of the curb ramp it serves. The 48 inch minimum by 36 inch minimum areas and the accessible route shall be permitted to overlap. Handrails provided in elevator cabs and platform lifts are not required to comply with the requirements for handrails on walking surfaces.

Which of the following statement is true about the accounting equation?

Simply, Capital+Liabilities=Assets. Was this answer helpful?

Charge made by a local government for the cost of animprovementor service. It is usually levied on those who will benefit from the service. TheSingle Audit Actof 1984 and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 establish requirements for audits of states, local governments, and nonprofit organizations that administer federal financial assistance programs above a certain threshold. Number of shares of stock provided for in the articles ofINCORPORATIONof aCOMPANY. LIQUIDATIONof aMARGINACCOUNTby a broker after a margin call has failed to produce additionalEQUITYto bring the margin to the required level.

Reporting on Audited and Unaudited Financial Statements in Comparative Form

Grouping of reported on a company’sPROFITandLOSSstatementbetweenCOST OF GOODS SOLDandINCOMEdeductions. Source of financing whereby an entity’s ASSETS are placed in a special purpose vehicle that issues SECURITIES collateralized by such assets. Organized, nationalEXCHANGESwhere securities, options, and futures contracts are traded by members for their own accounts and for the accounts of customers. ABONDthat gives the bondholders a pledge of certaincompanyassets as a guarantee of repayment. Financial and informational DISCLOSURES required by theSECin order to comply with certain sections of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. Some of the more common filings that publicly owned companies must submit are theFORM 10-K,FORM 10-QandFORM 8-K. Accountingservice that provides some assurance as to the reliability of financial information.

Service commitments define the services that are included with the service offering. A service-level agreement is a contract between a service provider and its customers that documents what services the provider will furnish and defines the service standards the provider is obligated to meet.

Push-Down Accounting

Handrail Non-Circular Cross Section505.8 Handrail gripping surfaces and any surfaces adjacent to them shall be free of sharp or abrasive elements and shall have rounded edges. The distance between horizontal projections and the bottom of the gripping surface shall be permitted to be reduced by 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) for each 1/2 inch of additional handrail perimeter dimension that exceeds 4 inches .

  • Portion ofOVERHEADcosts allocated to manufacturing, by the application of astandardfactor termed aBURDEN RATEorOVERHEAD APPLICATION RATE.
  • For the purposes of this section, the term “path of travel” also includes the restrooms, telephones, and drinking fountains serving the altered area.
  • Public place where products or services are bought and sold, directly or through intermediaries.
  • Furthermore, if there are pressing needs to complete the project, overtime payments to workers are common and will further increase the job cost.
  • Queues and waiting lines servicing counters or check-out aisles required to comply with 904.3 or 904.4 shall comply with 403.